Any leader who manages staff, is responsible for performance conversations and evaluations or manages related programs. The one day New Leader Orientation helps leaders understand the responsibilities they have with regard to building, promoting and sustaining our culture of excellence within the framework of our organization. They will also achieve an understanding of the operational, and human resource processes.
Learning Objectives:
After this training, you will be able to:
Basic Course Outline:
This course is on Thursday, March 23 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sign up in HealthStream by searching the Catalog for New Leader Orientation. Click Enroll or Choose Class and register.
For the best training experience in Zoom & In person, T&D recommends that you use a camera and microphone to participate online.
Join Zoom Meeting
Space is limited to 30.
For questions, contact Training and Development at or 907-729-1301.