Join the Talent Development team for a discussion about Education Assistance, Professional Development courses, Leadership Development Programs and Workforce Development. Prepare any questions you have in regards to Talent Development and join them live or virtually! Depending on time and interest possible topics include:
- Leadership Development Programs
- Alaska Native Executive Leadership Program (ANELP)
- Leadership Excellence through Advancement and Determination (LEAD)
- Pathways to Leadership Professional Development
- Upcoming
- Live/Hybrid
- Leadership Master Class
- Leadership Foundations
- ANTHC Leadership Book Club New Hire Orientation (NHO)
- ANTHC orientation – Day 1 Workforce Development
- Talent Bank
- Employee Assistance Programs
- Native Education Assistance (NEA) funding available
- Tuition Reimbursement
- Education Leave
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion, participants should be able to:
Develop a network of peers whom they can reach out for support and advice.
Sign up in HealthStream, search the Catalog for the course, and click Enroll or Choose Class to register.
For questions regarding this or any course, contact Training and Development at or call 907-729-1301.