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New bereavement magnets for frames of in-patient doors

Sets of five were delivered to each in-patient nursing station and the emergency room. If we missed your nursing station or you have any questions, please reach out to the Bereavement Committee at

Bereavement Committee created small magnets with picture from the bereavement booklet.  Sets of five were delivered to each in-patient nursing station and the emergency room.  They are the size of a business card, lengthwise.  The idea is to put the magnet on the outside door frame of the in-patient room when we are anticipating that the patient inside will die soon.  Putting this magnet on the door frame will alert your co-workers about what is happening inside the room before they enter it.

If we missed your nursing station or you have any questions, please reach out to the Bereavement Committee at

There is an example of what the magnet looks like below: