I would like to recognize Corybn Navas, Civil Engineer III, for Communication for creating a website for the Tununak project [www.tununakfs.com], keeping it up to date, adding my workforce development information to it, and adding a communication tool. He added my flyer about our community meeting on January 28th regarding the construction jobs, training, and scholarships. We had twice as many people in attendance as I expected. All the chairs and standing room was taken with people peering in from the doorway! 45 people signed the sign in sheet for the community meeting. To date, I have received 19 messages through the website from community members interested in working on the project and/or going to construction training. This website is improving communication between DEHE and Tununak and it is enabling all the community members in Tununak to know what is going on with their water and sewer project.