2023 ANTHC Fall Harvest Picnic
Alaska Native Heritage Center 8800 Heritage Center Dr, Anchorage, AlaskaAll ANTHC staff (and families) are invited to the 2023 Fall Harvest Employee Picnic on Friday, Sept. 8 from 5-8 p.m. at the Alaska Native Heritage Center. Please register for the picnic by Tuesday, Sept. 5 at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2023-anthc-fall-harvest-employee-picnic-tickets-701977673117?aff=oddtdtcreator For additional information on the 2023 ANTHC Fall Harvest Picnic visit The Hub at: https://anthcstaff.org/news/you-are-invited-to-the-2023-anthc-fall-harvest-employee-picnic/